Hello guys! Today we are publishing the second episode of the mini-series. In this video, Stan Muller teaches you the basics of copyright in the United States. Copyright law is territorial, so we're going to cover the system we know the most about, and that's the US. Stan will talk about what kind of ideas can be copyrighted, who can get a copyright, and what protections the copyright grants. We'll also talk about the always contentious and seemingly ever-growing term of copyright. Stan will also teach you about the low bar for creativity, which means that original work doesn't have to be all that original, and he'll also touch on the problems with copyright in the modern world.
APA Reference:
Muller, S. (2015). Copyright Basics: Crash Course Intellectual Property 2. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tamoj84j64I
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